Wednesday, 25 February 2009


Most of you will hate this film, probably best to say that now.

There isn’t anything particularly challenging about it. It’s fluffy rubbish.

But I loved it. In many ways it was similar to the original - A Cinderella Story, but mostly in the way it is similar to most romantic comedies. It has the girl meets boy, there are reasons why they can’t be together, there are people trying to stop them from being together but in the end he makes her life better by being with her.

Like I said, there is no challenge.

Mary is the maid of a nasty woman, Dominique. Dominique (played hilariously by Jane Lynch who has been in various things including 40 year old Virgin) is also her guardian. Mary loves to dance and is actually fantastic dancer. She meets a famous dancer, singer who she falls for and who falls for her at a masquerade ball. But do they get together? Does she get away from her nasty boss/guardian? Does she get the chance to dance?

If you know the genre (even if you don’t) you will know the answer to all those questions. But you might still enjoy the ride.

It stars Selena Gomez, who is believed to be the next Miley Cyrus. Also, random fact Marcus T. Paulk stars in it, he was the cute little brother with big ears from Moesha.

If you like simple films or love dancing films like Step Up or Take the Lead or have a young youth group you might want to watch this. Otherwise probably best avoided. You’ll only end up moaning about it.

Rated: 4 out of 5
It made me smile and was a good way to spend 90mins.

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